Stimulating conversations
Stimulating conversations is important if we dating Take your time with romancing, later for the love making Let’s just be blatant Hold up wait, that’s only my head you inflating With your smooth lines, and your designer, but wait do you have money in your savings? Let’s talk long term, not the cosmetics, I’m talking no pump faking. Baby I peep game, you just tryna lure me with this caking. I’m on to you, I know you just tryna satisfy your craving.. & I’m just tryna satisfy mine too.. But you see mine is more mental, it sounds like you just tryna satisfy your sweet tooth & I’m sorry, if you thought I could just be your lil boo That’s cute. But let me clarify, I’m the woman you come home to. Every night. No fuss or fight, because here is exactly where you wanna be Mentally, physically cuddled up in these sheets . You & me With love and desire that’s deeper than skin deep. Those stimulating conversations got...